12 Day Old Maggie | Kristen Schueler Photography | Newborns
Photographing newborns is no easy feat. You must be patient, gentle, and use your intuition. Ideally, you get them in the first 10 days of life, which often makes for an easier session. This morning I had a shoot with Baby Maggie - 12 days old. She was, by far, the most cooperative baby I have worked with. She slept well, and when she was awake, was barely cross-eyed (generally a definite for newborns under 2 weeks), and had gorgeous skin. I think I might make rule that I won't shoot babes over 2 weeks... it only took about 2 hours, while I have taken up to 5 hours with older (i.e. fussier) babies. I am thrilled with the images from this shoot, and here's a few for you to ooo and ahhhh at!

Love this little Christmas pixie hat I knitted for the Holidays!

Look at those eyes! So alert - and she's even smeyes-ing (smiling with her eyes)!
Maggie was such a joy! Parents waited to find out if Maggie was a boy or a girl, and I was so excited when I heard it was a girl. Boys are great too, but girls you get to accessorize! I could have photographed this little one all day. Such a sweet family, can't wait to share the rest of their images with them!
Hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving and is enjoying leftovers!