Sunday, August 29, 2010

My brain and my computer are tired. I spent most of the weekend cleaning & working - actually, I only went outside to go for a walk last night with Adam. That's ok though, the house really needed some TLC, and I got some quality work done.

One of my accomplishments this weekend was writing a guest blog for MCP Actions. It is a Photoshop Tutorial, and I didn't even know if they were going to use it. Turns out they liked it so much, they asked me to be a regular contributor! This is super exciting news for me. I am constantly trying to get my name out there, and MCP Actions has nearly 14,000 followers on Facebook. However, the first post won't be up until September 16th - but don't worry, I will post a link everywhere I can!!!

September will be a very exciting time for me and my business. Not only will my guest blog (my first!) post go up, but I will be going through a re-branding process. I have so many different feelings about this - excited, nervous, worried, elated, relieved, terrified...basically the whole spectrum. It is really important to provide the designers with as much information about myself and my business as possible, so I have been doing a great deal of introspection. I am not sure when the process will begin, but you can be sure I'll keep everyone updated on my progress.

And now, to bed...after a little Super Mario World.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

P.S. My camera has been shipped off the Nikon for servicing. I miss it dearly, and hope to be getting it back ASAP! So there probably won't be too many pictures posted in the near future.

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